We bought our dream home! We’re first time homeowners!
We just made the biggest purchase of our lives so far! We've purchased our first home and I'm so excited to see what's next.
I’m married during Covid, and I’m still happy!
It seems like during Covid, people are learning they don't like their partners. Thankfully I haven't felt that.
Teaching Isn’t Always Rainbows and Butterflies
I have been holding on to this post for a while. I had a very difficult time at work, the worst of my career. My anxiety spiked so high, every day I considered walking out and never returning. Some of the time, I was just sitting there staring at the students thinking, “It can’t get any worse. It can’t get any worse. They can’t be serious. This can’t be real.” I gave all my oxygen to people that could breathe I gave away my money and now we don’t even speak I drove miles and miles, but would you do the same for me? Save Myself by Ed Sheeran…